Quantum Valley Nation

€7.950 of €120.000 raised
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Donation Total: €100,00


Government Partnership.

The partnership of Governments in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean is being sought to ensure secure access to government-owned or controlled facilities, as well as to establish efficient logistics and delivery support systems for food banking initiatives. This collaboration aims to encourage capital investment in QVN programs and the expansion of Community Food Banks projects. By working together, we can make significant strides in addressing food insecurity and promoting sustainable solutions.

In order to support the establishment of Food Banks in local communities, the Government has the ability to offer financial assistance to QVN. This funding would enable QVN to recruit and oversee a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate, dedicated, and qualified to assist the interested communities. Additionally, the Government can collaborate with QVN to secure suitable facilities for the operation of these Food Banks, utilizing any available resources that are deemed suitable and appropriate.